Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Kids on the Block had a bunch of hits...

I've been waiting for October 29, 2008 for about 4 months now...tonight is the New Kids on the Block Concert in Atlanta. Remember the Disney commercial where the family is going to bed and the little boy says, "I'm too excited to sleep!" Well, that was me last night...I am giddy as a school girl and I can't wait.

I was lucky enough to be in NYC when they performed their first concert in 18 was not the "real" reason I was in NYC at the time, but it was certainly a bonus. Aflac had their financial analyst briefing that week, so Mike went to work, and I went to play. Luckily, that Friday he was off, so we ventured out at 5 AM, in the freezing rain, to go see the boys. Well, when we got there, we learned people had been lining up since 9AM on Wednesday about some diehard fans. Let me just say, the boys still had it!

I can only hope for the same tonight...of course, I will blog about this event tomorrow...until then, Hang Tough! :)
Disclaimer: Mike wants you to know he is not going with me.